The annual Radlett Art Society membership subscription for 2024 was due on the 1st January 2024. Cost of membership is £35 for an individual, (full time students £10) annually. Our preferred method of payment is by Bank Transfer but you can also pay by cheque made payable to the Radlett Art Society. Please complete your details and enclose a stamped addressed envelope to receive your membership card.
Please send to:
Please send to:
Please send me/us membership cards for 2024.
I/we enclose a cheque for £ ...
and a stamped self addressed envelope for the return of my new membership card.
Date .....................................
Name .....................................
Address .................................................................
Post code .......................
Email address.............................. .
In order to keep the cost of our subscriptions down we would prefer to send our newsletters by eMail rather than post. If you are currently getting them by post but are happy to get them this way please let us know. Obviously we are very happy to continue sending them by post to those people who do not use a computer. When members renew they should enclose an SAE to have their membership card sent in the post. If they choose not to do so – I email the card and keep the original to be collected from the lectures or the workshop.
For bank transfers the Account name is "Radlett Art Society" the Sort Code is: 60-17-14, Account Number: 50902571.
Please put your surname and initials as the reference.
I/we enclose a cheque for £ ...
and a stamped self addressed envelope for the return of my new membership card.
Date .....................................
Name .....................................
Address .................................................................
Post code .......................
Email address.............................. .
In order to keep the cost of our subscriptions down we would prefer to send our newsletters by eMail rather than post. If you are currently getting them by post but are happy to get them this way please let us know. Obviously we are very happy to continue sending them by post to those people who do not use a computer. When members renew they should enclose an SAE to have their membership card sent in the post. If they choose not to do so – I email the card and keep the original to be collected from the lectures or the workshop.
For bank transfers the Account name is "Radlett Art Society" the Sort Code is: 60-17-14, Account Number: 50902571.
Please put your surname and initials as the reference.